Friday, June 1, 2012

New baby

So it's been a while since I have been on here and posted. I am still learning about blogging and how to do it and everything. Plus I have to be honest, I have gotten lazy, lol. There is so many places I would like to take this blog and I just don't know how to do it, so please bare with me as I try and figure all this out.

So an update as to what is going on in life right now.

I had my baby girl on March 7th (I will post a birth story later). She is my biggest baby at 7lbs 4.5oz. I thought for sure she would come early, but nope she was too comfy where she was. After I had her, it did not seem like my blood sugars returned to normal as fast, but then again, I did not know what a normal diabetic was like. Since finding out I had diabetes, I was pregnant most of the time. The only time I was a normal diabetic was in between being pregnant and miscarring, but I kept my blood sugar levels as if I were pregnant.

I went to my Endocrinologist 2 weeks after I had Sofia just to talk about what my OmniPod meter should be set at and where my blood sugar levels need to be. I learned 2 things, one I am still on the same carb amount as when I was pregnant ( I thought it would go up some). I don't crash nearly as much anymore, but I am not as strict as I was being pregnant either. I tend to skip more meals. I am finding it hardest to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.

One thing I would like to do is start adding some recipes. I get a cooking magazine in the mail every 2 months and they add in the nutrition information, which I love and I really love these magazines. I have been getting them since 2003. They are Cuisine at Home. What I like the most, besides the great recipes, is that there is no advertisements. It is purely recipes, tips and information. I hate cooking magazines where they have more ads then recipes and no pictures of the recipe. I love to see what I am making looks like in the end for 2 reason. One you eat with your eyes, so if it looks good then I am more willing to make it; and two I want to know that what I make looks the same. This way if I did something wrong, usually I will know by how it looks.

I am hoping to add more information on what I have learned and still learning about diabetes and provide links as well.

I hope to teach others about diabetes, eating as a diabetic and that life does go on and it can be a good life if you make it that way. Don't get me wrong, I still have days where I hate my life and hate having diabetes, but there is nothing I can do to change having daibetes. I can only change how I live with it and I try to remind myself of that when I get depressed.

So Happy living, learning and eating ;)

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